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Understanding Hazards:
Risk assessment involves a thorough examination of workplace tasks to pinpoint any manual handling activities that may pose hazards leading to potential accidents or injuries.
Compliance and Awareness:
It is your duty to ensure you are well-informed about risk assessments and that you adhere to them. These assessments must be conducted by individuals classified as 'competent persons,' possessing the necessary training and expertise in the business field to perform adequate and effective risk assessments.
HSE's Essential Steps:
Varied Hazards:
Risks may differ between similar sites or locations; thus, assessments must be conducted for each site. Consulting with the workers actively involved in the tasks is essential for a comprehensive understanding of the job at every site.
Remember T.I.L.E:
When conducting risk assessments, the regulations highlight four crucial factors to consider, conveniently summarized under the acronym T.I.L.E: