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Risk Assessment: Understanding Hazards, Risks, and Controls

Purpose of a Risk Assessment

The primary purpose of conducting a risk assessment is to identify potential hazards, assess the likelihood of harm, evaluate existing safeguards, and determine additional measures to mitigate risks before accidents occur.

Understanding Hazards and Severity

A hazard refers to anything with the potential to cause harm, such as knives in catering. The severity of harm can range from minor cuts to serious injuries, depending on the task and equipment used.

Likelihood and Control Measures: The likelihood of harm occurring considers current control measures like using safer equipment and appropriate training.

Levels of Risk

  • High Risk: Events that are very likely and could result in death or serious injury/illness.
  • Medium Risk: Events reasonably likely, potentially causing significant work absence.
  • Low Risk: Events unlikely to cause injury but still require action to further reduce risk.

Rating and Control Measures

Risks are typically rated from least to most likely, from minor to major injuries. They are categorised into:

  • Low Risk: Actionable steps to further reduce risks are recommended.
  • Medium Risk: Review and enhance control measures to decrease risk.
  • High Risk: Implement stringent control measures and provide necessary training.